Volume 7 - Rianne Evans; Pushing, Pot Plants & Pizza Rolls

Rianne not only has great fashion sense, she shreds. There's no two ways about it. If you don't follow her already go check out @rianneskate on Instagram and see for yourself.
We recently caught up with her to see how she navigated 2020 and of course chatted about my favourite subject, lunch.
Where did you grow up and how would you describe it?
I grew up in Bournemouth, right in the middle of the south coast. I have such mixed feelings on my hometown to be honest. I mean the skate scene here is quite small, but it’s always had such an amazing community. Everyone is like family; we really look after one another. Being a town rather than a city, Bournemouth doesn’t receive any attention from the UK skate scene, however, that has encouraged the locals to organise their own events and push the scene on their own. King of Kings (King of the road type event) for example has been going for a decade now and has in more recent years been a celebration of the life of a local shredder (RIP Nathan Heard). Away from the skate scene it’s a very conservative, not very multi cultural area where it seems most people’s aspirations are to look like a WAG. Thank god for the skate scene put it that way!
How did you get into skating?
I first when down the skate park in Bournemouth on rollerblades with my brother and soon realised everyone else was on skateboards. I remember watching his friends doing rock fakies and tail stalls and was just like ‘wow, I want to do that’. I actually stole/borrowed (hehe) my brothers friends board that he left at our house for months before I persuaded mother to get me one as an early birthday present. I spent every minute of that summer down the park.
What and Who inspires you?
Skating wise, I get more inspired watching people I know than watching some pro video. There’s something about knowing what bag of tricks someone’s got and when they’re throwing themselves out of them comfort zone, which really gets me hyped. I much prefer watching English skateboarding or even European over the US because I find it way more relatable, crusty spots and all that. My biggest inspiration for skating has to come from Una Farrar, Breana Geering and Fabiana Delfino who are just the queens of skating really. Helena long too is always a huge inspiration, best personality and bag of tricks in the game.
What's your jam at the moment?
I have such a varied taste in music. I’m talking, Biggie and Dre to Led Zeppelin to Sinatra. I just bought a record player though so I could listen to my mum’s old vinyl’s from when she was a teenager and I’ve found some absolute gems, it’s been nice finding a new way to enjoy music. I guess a look at my last played would be.. The Velvet Underground, Sade, Sam Cooke, Love, The Capitols, Cat le bon, Fleetwood mac.

The Velvet Underground. Rianne's mum has impeccable taste in music.
What was for lunch and what would you rate it out of 10?
I whipped up some home-made pizza swirls. I’ve been obsessed with them at the moment, as they’re so quick and easy to make and give you days of pizza snacking.. can’t go wrong. Basically just make some dough, top your pizza as usual, roll the whole thing up into a big sausage shape and cut into small sections (to create the swirl).
Just a photo I ripped from the internet of Pizza Scrolls. I have yet to see any of Rianne's, but have requested a delivery.
Everyone can agree 2020 was a shit year for most, but what were the biggest positives for you?
I mean I was working through lockdown so it wasn’t as relaxing for me as it was for a lot of people but without being able to skate or chill down the pub I was forced to pick up some new hobbies to keep myself sane. I got really into gardening and houseplants, which is something I had wanted to do for ages as I was totally inspired by Dani G who runs @girlskateUK allotment Instagram (@plot.81 if anyone’s interested). It’s a hobby that has really brought me a lot of joy and I feel I’ve learnt a lot already, so I guess that’s a positive that has come out of it.
What's your favourite item in your wardrobe?
Oh god, I have a big wardrobe haha. I mean there’s definitely a few nice skate brand jackets or jumpers that I would no doubt cry if I lost (yes I’m an over emotional woman). I have a particular jumper embroidered with a fisherman on it that was my granddads, passed down to my dad that I just absolutely love to pieces. Both my granddad and dad have passed now so I guess that’s why it means so much to me.
What's your favourite instagram account to follow?
Is it bad if I just name meme accounts haha
@Classicalshits – best meme account (always gets to me a good’n)
@Girlshred – for all your girly shredding needs
@Getlesta – of course, for some mad UK ripping.
@plot.81 – Anyone interested in gardening
Do you have a trick or line you're most proud of?
I’m someone that is quite hard on them selves to be honest. So yeah I’ll be stoked on something I’ve landed, but I find it doesn’t last long before I’m like yeah but it could have been better haha. With the little amount of skating that’s going on with winter and lockdown I’m just happy to be getting out there, pushing. Bring on summer and normality.
A beaut boardslide. If you look closely you will see Rianne is wearing a pair of our socks. She confirmed that they definitely improved her skating ability.
Lastly what are your goals for 2021?
My goals before lockdown were to travel so I’m hoping I can get that done this year, fingers crossed. I also want to move city soon, possibly Bristol. I’ve applied for a job there so keeping my fingers crossed.
So there we have it. Rianne's cooks, skates and grows plants better than me. BUT I have challenged her to a game of pool once lockdown lifts and then all bragging rights will be mine.
Make sure you give her a follow on insta @rianneskate !!