Volume 4 - Bold Will Hold

Well, that was a much longer hiatus than originally planned! The world is so weird at the minute but Flaash Fuckeries is back.
2020 definitely has been a year of reflection for us, and like most has included many ups and downs. The ‘Zoom Pub Quiz’ kept us occupied for a while but then got stale real quick. Like Tesco cheese sandwich fast. So we gave up on quizzing and put our extra time into shaping the future of Flaash.
When I first started Flaash my number 1 goal was to collaborate with my favourite tattoo artists and print those designs on to good quality tees. All along, the quality of the garments was just as important to me as the artists we were working with. As the range grew this was always something that was focused on
There is a saying in tattoo world that ‘Bold Will Hold,’ this applies to the bold designs that are popular in the American Traditional style. Big tough bold designs that haven’t changed since the 50s because they look awesome and age well.

We apply this “Bold Will Hold’ idea to our garments. Heavy duty tees that don’t lose shape after one wash, Fleecy thick hoodies that stay warm for more than one winter. Slow fashion clothes that are built to last.
The other goal we’re really working on is using eco friendly fabrics and being more aware of who is making our garments. The summer ‘Slow Down’ range features Organic Tees, Sweats and Totes. We’re now working with UK Manufacturers for our upcoming winter range and we continue to try and use less plastic in our packaging.
I realise this all sounds a bit eco warrior, green washing mumbo jumbo but it is something we do take seriously. I hate nothing more than clothes that fall apart. So this is our pledge in writing. To continue to make good quality garms that are responsibly made and of course more collabs with fucking rad designers.
Fuck Fast Fashion.